Serving Omaha, NE
Serving Omaha, NE
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Fireplace Surround Cleaning

Effective Smoke and Soot Stain Removal

Make your fireplace look brand new again, without replacing it. Top Hat Industries can provide you with effective stone and brick cleaning services. We can effectively remove smoke and soot stains from your fireplace face without using a sand blaster.

We use a product that we can paint on and, after a few hours, pull off leaving the surface almost like new. Call for a FREE cost proposal today.

Why Choose Us for Your Fireplace Cleaning Needs

  • Over 40+ years of experience
  • A+ BBB rating
  • Insured
  • NFI and CSIA certified
We offer FREE estimates.
Call: 402-689-6827
Beautify your fireplace front with our fireplace surround cleaning.

Before Cleaning

After Cleaning

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